This ISO Category III (Analysis II) reference book continues to build from the "ANALYSIS I" reference book (VSA-1) and is intended to advance the vibration expertise of analysts.
The content provides the analyst with the information needed to significantly enhance the overall effectiveness of a condition monitoring program.
Measurement techniques are covered which must be understood by an analyst to ensure the data he acquires is truly reliable and reflective of the machine being evaluated.
Extensive coverage of each of the 44 machine problems included in our world renown "Illustrated Vibration Diagnostics Chart" is provided, along with a series of real-world case histories demonstrating how these problems have been detected and resolved.
More complex problems are covered in depth in this "ANALYSIS II" text including rotor rub, journal bearings, gear, electrical, hydraulic/aerodynamic, beat vibration and resonance.
Also included is extensive coverage of rolling element bearing fault detection including a series of "failure scenarios" which have been identified to track the condition of rolling element bearings. Refinement of overall and spectral band alarms using proven statistical techniques and real-world examples is explained in detail. Important FFT processing techniques, window selection, averaging types, overlap processing, significance of bandwidth and dynamic range are likewise covered. Other topics are also covered including how to...
specify meaningful Narrowband envelope alarms
perform natural frequency tests
analyze time waveforms
use synchronous time averaging
interpret the newly developed high frequency enveloped spectra
to specify proper vibration isolation and damping treatments
Additional information is provided on how to...
best integrate these diagnostic techniques
apply spectral alarm methods
present meaningful diagnostic reports
prepare corrective action reports, overall condition rating reports and related important reports in order to assure the condition monitoring program achieves both initial and continuing success, and to ensure proper management personnel are kept fully informed of the program's progress