A Booklet - How to Diagnose Problems Within 2-Stage Rotary Screw Air Compressors Using Vibration & High Frequency Enveloping Analysis (2nd Edition) (124 page booklet)
This paper focuses on the analysis of a variety of Atlas Copco screw compressors although the information can be applied to many other screw compressors.
Numerous charts and tables are provided with details for specific models which may be used as a template for others.
Much real-world data is provided showing examples of a whole series of problems which can be detected on these special machines.
Alarm limits are also recommended for a variety of potential problem sources including gearing, compressor lobes (elements), rotor eccentricity, rotor contact either with the housing or with an adjacent impeller, etc.
Specific analysis techniques and problems inherent to only screw compressors are featured.
Three real-world case histories on these rotary screw air compressors are included to enable the analyst to walk through each phase of the case history step-by-step.
This paper is based on years of concentrated research and field testing on these special machines by Technical Associates.