How To and How Not To Create Meaningful Narrowband Spectral Alarm Envelopes (2nd Edition) (54 page booklet)
This paper is probably the most comprehensive article available today on how to properly specify narrowband envelope alarms.
Not only does it provide the proper method of specifying such narrowband alarms, but it also demonstrates the great problems one can encounter if he does not understand how to set them up (this is done in the paper by purposely specifying such envelope alarms using incorrect methods and showing the undesirable results).
Then, the proper techniques are taught and demonstrated on real-world machines.
This paper also shows how large numbers of similar machines can be grouped together into so-called "families" so that powerful statistical analysis techniques can be properly applied to specify such alarm envelopes for all points on all of these machines, and demonstrates how such alarms can be specified by position, by direction and by RPM.