Comparison of Motor Current Analysis & Vibration Analysis In Detecting Rotor Bar & Air Gap Eccentricity Problems In Induction Motors (42 page booklet)
This paper focuses on how to perform motor current spectral analysis using a current transformer (CT) as the transducer, while using the same data collectors or real-time analyzers which have been used in the vibration program.
It will show how the spectrum of motor current amplitude (amps) versus frequency (Hz or CPM) can successfully be analyzed to detect problems in the stator, rotor and dynamic/static eccentricity within an induction motor.
It also compares the methods used to detect problems by vibration analysis versus those detected by motor current spectral analysis.
Likewise, it provides a "Motor Current Severity and Recommended Corrective Actions Chart" which has been developed by Technical Associates after performing motor current analysis for a number of years on a large number of induction motors.
This paper will also include real-world case histories using both vibration and motor current analysis, as well as applying the aforementioned "Motor Current Severity Chart".